EQ Pixel Army Home Page


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Gnomish Portrait Machine

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The EQPA has decided to offer our hard work and art to the EQ community free of charge. However, bandwidth doesn't grow on trees! We do need a source of funding to maintain our bandwidth and web space, and so we ask you... if you like this site, donate!

Wait.. there's more to donating than just a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart!

In an effort to provide more services for our generous donators (and likewise encourage donations, and enable us to continue to offer EQPA as a free-to-view site), we have come up with the following system for donations.

Donation Structure

Level One - Donator: $5 donation - Access to the Supporter Hammock private forum, Donator title and EQPA Supporter rank icon.

Level Two - Sponsor: $10 donation - Access to the Supporter Hammock private forum, Sponsor title and EQPA Supporter rank icon.

Level Three - Supporter: $20 donation - Access to the Supporter Hammock private forum, Supporter title and EQPA Supporter rank icon.

Level Four - Benefactor: $30 donation - Same as Supporter + "tech support" as in personal EQPA assistance in making simple signatures, cutting images out, making the images transparent, recoloring armor, Benefactor title and EQPA Supporter rank icon.

Level Five - Philanthropist: $40 donation - Same as Benefactor + hosting of up to 5 full signatures and 10 separate avatars on our web space , Philanthropist title and EQPA Supporter rank icon.

We're not trying to be greedy, and believe me, we'd love to not have to ask for donations at ALL, but that's just not the way it works. Most of us are artists of the starving variety, and as much as I would have liked to include that independently wealthy and incredibly generous gentleman as part of our team, his pixel art just wasn't up to par.

The simple fact of the matter is that if we run out of donations, the site goes away. We don't want it to go away, and we hope you don't want it to go away either. Any donation, small or large, is equally appreciated, even if it's just a dollar. Dollars add up!

Thank you as always,

Gen. Neilani Lauste
1st Division, EQPA

Click The Button Below To Donate

EverQuest © 1999-2002 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
Site Hosted by Tera-Byte
All images on this site are the collective property and original creation of the EQ Pixel Army and are protected under
copyright law. The work you find here may not be copied or altered without express permission of the artists,
except as the Terms of Use allow. Redistribution and/or direct linking are strictly prohibited.